Vacancy for a councillor
Neighbourhood Plan Update
Cossall Parish Council has submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Broxtowe Borough Council. The Borough Council is now holding a Public Consultation so that local residents, businesses and other organisations can make comments on this plan
Cossall Parish Council – Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of Cossall Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 16th May 2023, commencing at 7.30pm.
Broxtowe’s Community Governance Review
Broxtowe are proposing to change quite a few parish boundaries and this includes ours.
Life Saving Bleed Control Kit Now installed in Cossall
The new Prometheus Bleed Control Kit is designed to help control and stop severe bleeding
Nottingham Canal in Cossall Parish
Report on urgent and extensive work on the canal from Mill Lane towards the former ski-slope, which was required where a number of leaks were getting worse
Dead? or Dead Slow? Road Safety Campaign
Dead? Or Dead Slow? Road safety campaign, by Nottinghamshire County Council and the BHS
Cossall Parish Council’s Children’s Art Competition
Congratulations to all the winners and here are the works of art from the first and second places, in each category.
Royal British Legion Centenary
On Saturday 15th May 2021, The Royal British Legion will be marking its centenary year
New Cossall Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
The organiser would like to reach out to Cossall residents to invite them to join the scheme