- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor J. Wheatley
- Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor K. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor Mrs S. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor J. Longdon (Nottinghamshire County Council)
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
26/21 Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor D. Mason, Councillor Mrs L. Ball (Broxtowe Borough Council), Councillor D. Pringle (Broxtowe Borough Council) and PCSO P. Keeley (Police).
27/21 Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
28/21 Minutes of the last meeting
It was pointed out that in Item 19/21 Borough Councillor’s Report, Councillor Mrs Ball had been asked to check if an Environmental Survey had been done prior to works on ski slope – this had been omitted from Minutes. This will be inserted into the Minutes. Following this alteration, the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th February were approved as a correct record.
29/21 Public participation
There were no members of the public present.
30/21 Police report
There was no report. There has not been a police report since September, so the Clerk will request a report prior to the next meeting.
The Clerk to request a report before next meeting
31/21 County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon reported that it is not appropriate for a guard rail to be fitted on Church Lane as it would narrow the footpath even further so this request will not even be considered. It was pointed out that there is a guard rail on Town Street in Bramcote where the footpath is narrow. Councillor Harrison will do measurements and take it from there. Councillor Longdon was asked to look into this.
Councillor Harrison will take measurements and pass on to Councillor Longdon
Councillor Longdon reported that he is unable to assist with the request for bollards opposite the stables on Church Lane as bollards to deter parking are not deemed appropriate. Councillor Longdon was thanked for trying to sort this matter out.
With regards to the fencing being taken down at Millennium Park, nothing has been done about this yet. Councillor Longdon will chase this up. NCC contact is Nick Crouch.
Councillor Longdon will chase this up.
Councillor Harrison reported that the speed limit sign on the corner of Dead Lane/Robinettes Lane has been knocked over sideways (LHS going towards Trowell). Councillor Rigby told the meeting that this is a County Council issue because it is a road traffic sign. Councillor Longdon will report this tomorrow.
Councillor Longdon to report to County Council
32/21 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Pringle sent in a report via email.
Ski Slope – At the second meeting of the Planning Committee the outline planning application was granted. We now have to wait with regards to the detail, types of houses, brick colours etc. At the first meeting there were concerns about pedestrian safety, this has now been addressed.
Fence on Millennium Park – This is currently being discussed by Broxtowe and County, the fence will be repaired when they reach agreement.
Almshouses – Councillor Pringle asked the Head of Planning after the last meeting about the Almshouses. The planners were asked for advice which was given, however, to get such advice in writing (legalising it) the applicant has to pay a fee, this might be what is delaying the issue.
Maps/Pinch Points/Motorcycles – With regards to the questions about these, Broxtowe have submitted them to County. They will ask what is happening.
Councillor Pringle asking what next following pinch point map submission
33/21 Items for Discussion
a) Church matters
Bell Tower – The money has been received from Councillor Doddy £500 of which was agreed to be towards reinstating the bell tower. There was confirmation last night that we don’t need planning permission for the bell tower reinstatement. Are we happy to now ask Dale Atkins for a quote or do we need to obtain 3 quotes? A Zoom meeting will be held with Councillors Wheatley, Rigby and Mrs Gilbert to discuss obtaining more quotes. All were in favour of this.
Zoom meeting to be arranged between Councillors Wheatley, Rigby and Mrs Gilbert
A cheque for the Church for £1000.00 has been raised for approval at tonight’s meeting. This money was given by Councillor John Doddy for the repair to the mullion. This cheque will be forwarded to Gillian Thornhill.
Councillor Wheatley confirmed that the electrical work has now been done at the church –
- Tower lighting floodlights have been tested – £104.10.
- Repaired cable to church tower – £86.00
- Wiring needed attention – £47.00
- Re-lamp floodlights/changed lamps – £96.00
- Socket/light fitting on Lych gate for Christmas lights etc. – £184.40
This gives a total of £517.50 + VAT £103.50 – Total £621.00
This payment will be approved at the next meeting. All good for 5 years on test and Councillor Wheatley will keep the report.
b) Footpaths and Pavements
Councillor Mason has put the chicken wire on the bridge at the bottom of Millennium Park.
A further email regarding the slurry on the path opposite Babbington Hall has been sent but have only received an automated response.
The mirror on the corner at Mill Lane has gone. This was put up at Ken Wood’s property 17/18 years ago and the new owners have removed it. It was agreed that the Parish Council offer to purchase a new one and pay for fitting, for the safety of villagers and walkers. A letter will be sent to the new owners, asking for permission to put up and cover the cost of a new mirror. This would actually be a benefit for the new owners when getting in and out of their drive.
Letter to be sent to new owners regarding mirror
Councillor Mrs Gilbert reported that the padlock on the barrier on Mill Lane has gone again. Are we happy to purchase a padlock with keys? Chris Gilbert would be happy to work with people that rent the livery off Mill Lane to weld padlock onto a chain. Will need plenty of keys as Broxtowe will need 2 keys to allow the dog bin to be emptied etc. and various landowners will require keys for access. Cost around £100.00. Councillor Wheatley suggested an extra £50 to get a decent lock. Councillor Wilton has got a chain. It was proposed and seconded, show of hands and all were in favour to purchase a padlock and keys.
Councillor Wheatley reported that he had looked at the seat on Millennium Park (2 vertical posts remaining with no top now), they are 2 very hefty posts and can’t be moved. It would probably be best to put a new top on – Councillor Wheatley has got the dimensions which are 9”x4.5” – 5ft (1.5m) long. Councillor Mrs Gilbert told the meeting that she will ask Chris if he would be happy to fit a new seat and if so to cost up the wood. Councillor Wheatley will help to fit.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert to ask Chris to obtain a price for wood. Chris and Councillor Wheatley to fit if cost approved.
Councillor Mrs Wheatley reported that she had walked to Nisa (old Co-op) in Awsworth and seen that Councillor Mason has replanted the flowerbed at the top of Babbington Lane, it looks very nice.
A vote of thanks was made to Councillor Mason.
c) Off-road Bikers/Traffic
Nothing to report.
d) Almshouses
Nothing to report.
e) Neighbourhood Plan
Waiting for permission to use plans for a leaflet about the development on the former ski slope. Parish Online joined plus PSGA (Public Sector Geospatial Agreement) signed up for with the Ordnance Survey, so we will have access to maps for the Neighbourhood Plan. So we now have a licence number to be able to use what we want – we have joined as a Parish Council Councillor Mrs Gilbert will email everything she has got to Councillor Wheatley to see if all can be accessed and can be used. For example we can add lamp post numbers to the maps to pin point an exact position, should the need arise.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert to email information across to Councillor Wheatley
Councillor Harrison reported he has obtained Jenny Kirkwood’s costs for attending virtual meetings and has passed them on to Councillor Mrs Gilbert and Marilyn Reed.
Jenny Kirkwood has been asked to look at traffic issues – the predominance of heavy vehicles through the village, weight signs, etc. She will be able to ascertain the best practice found for dealing with such problems.
Jenny as also been asked to find out, if possible, about the development of noise cameras to detect offending vehicles. Jenny Kirkwood will get back to Councillor Harrison when she has some information.
All councillors need to think about other issues which we would like advice regarding, so that we can ask RCAN in the future.
g) Defibrillator
Service has been carried out by Seal Calibration and the batteries and pads have been replaced by Councillor Wheatley. Email sent to Seal Calibration who will email certificate to the Clerk to show that everything is covered. The broken glass has been cleared up.
On the tv a few days ago there was a report of a young lad being injured but he couldn’t be saved because there was no Blood Loss Prevention Kit – i.e. bag with tourniquet etc. to stop profuse bleeding. These kits cost around £100, but if put in the phone box could it get stolen. The question was raised as to whether it would be good to get a Blood Loss Prevention Kit. Councillor Wheatley will find out details. All were in favour.
Councillor Wheatley to look into Blood Loss Prevention Kits.
34/21 Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
35/21 Planning Applications
Councillor Mason had sent an email regarding the Gardeners Arms possibly being sold. As far as he understands there is a covenant on the land, which used to be part of the allotments along with Trinity Farm. When the application for the pub was originally made, the landowners gave permission but apparently the covenant specifies that if the land (pub) was sold it had to revert back to allotments. If there is a covenant, why are 3 houses being built on the land? The covenant will come to light via solicitors when the land/property is sold. Councillor Rigby told the meeting that there has been drastic change over the last few years and covenants are not as big a headache as they used to be to potential developers. Covenants may not have the power that they used to have.
Councillor Keating reported that the previous owners of the ski slope had had a number of environmental surveys done.
Councillors Keith and Mrs Harrison attended virtually the hearing about the planning application for the former ski slope. They reported that the voting was close and debate was mainly around section 106 payment agreements and that the builder not supporting 30% social housing.
36/21 Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Clerk’s Salary | £410.75 |
Mr R Heard – Website Administration | £45.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Zoom Monthly Subs (Jan 2021) | £14.39 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Defibrillator Battery | £91.18 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Parish Online Subscription | £64.80 |
Mr D. Mason – Wire/staples for bridge repair M/Park | £46.00 |
Mrs M. Gilbert – Stamps for (Spring Newsletter) | £159.25 |
Mr C. Gilbert – Design/printing of Spring Newsletter | £110.00 |
Mrs S. Bircumshaw – Printer cartridges/Printing (Sept-Mar) | £53.94 |
Cossall PCC – Grant for mullion in Church (NCC Grant) | £1,000.00 |
EON – Direct Debit – Church Floodlights | £28.00 |
Total | £2,023.31 |
Income since 19/01/21
NCC Grant | £1,500.00 |
Bank Interest | £0.15 |
Total | £1,500.15 |
Balances @ Bank
Deposit A/C | £17,090.60 |
Current A/C | £170.43 |
Total | £17,261.03 |
37/21 Date & Time of Next Meeting
The next virtual meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 20th April commencing at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm.