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- Councillor Mrs M. Gilbert (Chair)
- Councillor Ms L. Hopkin
- Councillor k. Harrison
- Councillor Mrs E. Harrison
- Councillor J. Wilton
- Councillor D. Keating
- Councillor K. Rigby
- Councillor D. Mason
- Councillor Mrs L. Ball (BBC)
- Councillor D. Pringle (BBC)
- Councillor J. Longdon (NCC)
- Ms Anna Soubry MP
One member of the public:
- Mr S. Lee
Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw
Councillor Mrs Gilbert welcomed Ms Soubry to the meeting and thanked her for her attendance.
86/19: Co-option of new Councillors
Ken Rigby and Derek Mason were co-opted onto the Parish Council. They duly signed the necessary paperwork.
87/19: Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillor J. Wheatley, Councillor Mrs S. Wheatley, Councillor Mrs S. Keating and PCSO Keeley (Police).
88/19: Declaration of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made.
89/19: Minutes of the last meeting
It was pointed out that there was a spelling mistake –re time of suspension of Standing Orders. This should read 7.40pm not 7.70pm.
Following this correction, the Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 July 2019 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
90/19: Public participation
Stuart Lee was present.
91/19: Police report
No report.
92/19: County Councillor’s report
Councillor Longdon was asked to help with a dangerous problem regarding the road surface from Robinettes Lane to Moss Cottage – the surface is very slippery to horses and there have been some accidents and some near misses. There needs to be a top coat applying to correct this problem.
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that she had seen inspectors from NCC inspecting the trees at the footpath by Foundry Cottages. She spoke to them and they advised her that they will come back in October to do some felling of dangerous trees. Broxtowe will also be coming back along this way to do their bit.
Councillor Longdon was asked how much of a traffic increase there will be re Field Farm. Councillor Pringle (BBC) reported that people from Kimberly travel through Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell rather than queue at Junction 26 on the A610. Do not know what can be done to stop this.
Ms Soubry told the meeting that she would be happy to send a letter on House of Commons paper to the owners of lorries travelling through the village, if they were over the weight limit and not delivering goods to the village, warning them that was not legal. The Parish Council will now properly record registration numbers and company of such lorries using the road through the village. Need to feed these to Councillor Mrs Ball/Councillor Pringle to be forwarded to Ms Soubry. Lorries are a big problem. Councillor Rigby told the meeting that we are not unique in this problem. Police and NCC can prosecute via the Weights and Measures Department – need to follow lorries through the village to prove that they are not loading/unloading. Need to compile the evidence and send to the Police. Ms Soubry advised that she will be happy to write to the Police/NCC. Councillor Longdon will chase up tomorrow.
93/19: Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Mrs Ball reported that the only issue during August was going down to Foundry Cottages to sort out the tree problem. There are no further developments with the ski slope and the application has not been submitted to Planning Department yet.
Councillor Pringle reported that August had been a quiet month but September has been busy with meetings. New administration is still sorting itself out. Funding projects are changing – is all rather fluid at the moment. Priority seems to be the bigger towns. The question was asked as to why the smaller villages don’t get funding. Anyone can attend the Broxtowe Full Council meetings as a member of the public and ask questions. Councillor Mrs Ball/Councillor Pringle can raise questions on our behalf but need at least 7 days notice prior to the meetings to submit a question for discussion. The next Full Council meeting at Broxtowe is 17 October 2019.
Standing Orders were suspended at 7.59pm
Standing Orders were re-instated at 8.13pm
94/19: Items for discussion
a) Church matters – bell tower
Nothing to report.
b) Footpaths/pavements
Councillor Ms Hopkin reported that footpath on canal from Mill Lane to Millennium Park (not bridlepath side) is impassible. Start of new bridlepath (on canal) towards the Industrial Estate has got very low hanging branches. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will send an email.
Coronation Road to Chatterleys – Councillor Ms Hopkin has been in touch with Laura Trusler at Viaem and this is in hand.
The footpath from bottom of Church Lane into Millennium Park is now almost completely overgrown – ? needs weedkiller? This maybe not good for dogs or wildlife in this nature reserve. Needs mowing as the path is in danger of disappearing – was a good 4ft wide and is now hardly there. An email will be sent to Councillor Longdon (NCC) asking him to look into who we need to contact at NCC regarding this. Councillor Mrs Ball will look into this at Broxtowe. It is possible that we could pay someone to mow the grass – it was thought that the going rate is 2p/sqm. Councillor Mason told the meeting that he would be willing to do this and also plant certain plants to stop the grass from growing. Councillor Rigby will let the Clerk know who to contact regarding this.
Statutory width of pavement on Church Lane is not good. 1.2m – does not always happen in small villages because there is not the room to be able to achieve this. The problem is from last house on Church Lane down to Coronation Road. Councillor Mrs Ball will look into this.
c) Traffic issues
Nothing to report. See NCC report re lorries.
d) Floral displays
Councillor Harrison told the meeting that Trowell Garden Centre will sponsor the planters again.
e) Cossall sign
Councillor Pringle reported that the suggestion of a double sided sign did not go down very well at Trowell Parish Council meeting. The sign needs to be on the official boundary. Does a risk assessment need to be done? Ms Soubry told the meeting that she will send a letter to NCC regarding this.
f) Conservation sign
Final photo has been taken. All in hand and final version will hopefully be ready for perusal at next meeting.
g) Off-road bikers
The Cossall map has now been completely marked up – thanks to
Councillors K. and Mrs E. Harrison for the photos. Awsworth and Trowell have already sent their maps back to David Gell at Broxtowe. Councillor Harrison will deliver map to Council Offices by end of week. Awsworth/Trowell Clerks will be informed that our map will be at Broxtowe by 24th September.
It was reported that the Department of Transport are going to trial Noise Cameras. Ms Soubry was asked if she could try to get the trial at Cossall. Ms Soubry will look into this.
h) Almshouses
Nothing to report.
i) Neighbourhood Plan
Nothing to report.
j) Bennerley Viaduct & site
There has been an article about this in Derbyshire Life. Lots of good publicity. All being well the work will start next month.
k) CPR course
Nothing to report.
l) Proposals for Expenditure in 2019
Councillor Wheatley is looking into Christmas Lights.
Need to do something re website – need to get minutes posted on each month, matters of interest etc. It was proposed that a small amount of money be spent to hire someone who would look at this for us. Councillor Mrs Gilbert proposed £25/30 per month. This was seconded, there was a show of hands and all were in favour. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will ask Russ (who does the Cossall Open Gardens website) if he would be interested in doing this.
The book scanner will be advertised for hire in the next leaflet drop. Councillor Mrs Gilbert will organise this.
It was suggested that something be done for people in the Parish who are lonely and stuck in their homes. This was felt to be a good idea – maybe start to put feelers out to try and find out who would benefit from this. Maybe people could commit to one phone call per week with a view to meeting/having outings etc. Sue Hill (Cossall resident) has started Amiego’s Club for the elderly/lonely and this is very well attended. Problem is transport for some people.
This will be put as a separate agenda item for discussion.
Tent man
Nothing to report.
Youth club
An email had been received from Stuart Lee with breakdown/costings of items they would like for the ABC Youth Club. Nothing was listed for outdoor activities. Around one third of the children who attend the Youth Club are from Cossall.
Councillor Mrs Gilbert proposed that the Parish Council buy a new music system, at a cost of £200. This proposal was seconded, there was a show of hands and all were in favour. A cheque will be raised for payment at the next meeting.
95/19: Correspondence
Email received from Stuart Lee with breakdown and costings of items they would like for the Youth Club. See above.
96/19: Planning applications
Outline Planning permission has been granted for houses at the back of the Gardeners Inn.
97/19: Accounts for payment
The following accounts were approved for payment:-
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Clerk’s Salary – £404.64
- Cossall PCC: Room Hire (17/09/19) – £24.00
- Mr J. Wheatley: Website hosting/domain – £115.06
- Slater Electrical: Floodlights/Defib Light – £120.41
- Mr J. Wheatley: Drinks/Table decs – Vicar’s Leaving Do – £143.52
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Phone Rental (Aug 19) – £33.60
- Mrs S.M. Bircumshaw: Printing/Ink (Apr-Sept 19) – £47.94
- Mr K. Harrison: Food for Vicar’s Leaving Do – £212.94
Total: £1,102.11
Income since 16/07/19
Bank Interest: £6.40
Total: £6.40
Balances @ bank
Deposit account: £20,371.06
Current account: £354.21
Total: £20,725.27
98/19: Date & time of next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 15 October 2019 in the Church Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.