The floral displays in Cossall
Countryside code
Tree Planting
Free expert advice and grants to cover tree planting
Thank you
Cossall Parish Council would like to thank everyone who nominated residents for the Good Neighbour award
Token of Gratitude to our local Wombles
Cossall Parish Council would like to thank the local people from the Ilkeston Wombles group
Life Saving Bleed Control Kit Now installed in Cossall
The new Prometheus Bleed Control Kit is designed to help control and stop severe bleeding
Nottingham Canal in Cossall Parish
Report on urgent and extensive work on the canal from Mill Lane towards the former ski-slope, which was required where a number of leaks were getting worse
Dead? or Dead Slow? Road Safety Campaign
Dead? Or Dead Slow? Road safety campaign, by Nottinghamshire County Council and the BHS
RSPB Advice for Springtime – to protect ground nesting birds
The RSPB have the following advice for helping the ground nesting birds that can be found in areas like Cossall Parish