Broxtowe Borough Council wishes to encourage anyone who isn’t already subscribed to their Email Me Service to sign up and receive useful news updates.
Update: Nottingham Canal maintenance and upkeep
Specialists in aquatic vegetation management are being consulted this month by BBC, to look at control of Reed Sweet Grass (Glyceria maxima) and Reedmace/Bullrush (Typha latifolia).
Commemorating 75 years since Victory in Europe (VE 75)
We invite you to commemorate VE Day 75 Years – safely at home
Nottinghamshire Police Plan A Recruitment Drive
If you want an exciting and rewarding career with opportunities to develop and experience something new every day, you can book now for our next information webinars
Cossall Parish Council Covid-19 Initiative
Please see information in the Initiatives section about our offer of help for those in need who are self isolating
Talk: “Bess of Hardwick; A Woman of Many Parts!”
UPDATE: this presentation has been postponed and a new date will be announced when possible. Apologies for any inconvenience.
A talk will be presented by Maureen Taylor in The Old School Room – Bess of Hardwick; A Woman of Many Parts! Maureen gives talks/presentations on 16th century social history, and always in appropriate costume.
A variety of interesting Cossall gardens to visit this summer
UDATE: The 2020 event has been cancelled; the date for 2021 will be announced in due course
There will be several opportunities for tea and cake stops and several interesting craft stalls.
Local Traffic Issues – a joint initiative between Awsworth, Cossall and Trowell Parish Councils
Traffic Issues are a common problem in all of the three parishes and following on from the joint initiative on off-road bikers, Cossall Parish Council organised a meeting with representatives from the three Parish Councils to discuss local traffic problems.
Cossall Neighbourhood Plan
There is an update to the Neighbourhood Plan page – please go to Initiatives / Neighbourhood Plan
MyNotts – Useful Mobile Phone App
Nottinghamshire County Council’s mobile phone app – ‘MyNotts’ – is now available for residents to download.
The MyNotts app will make it quicker, easier, and more convenient for local people to access council services.