Agreed actions following the meeting with Avant Homes 19th September 2023
- Awsworth Parish Council Clerk to circulate Environment Agency report once received.
- Cllrs Don Pringle and Lydia Ball to follow up S106 and push for Broxtowe Borough Council to take on this responsibility.
- Avant Homes to reiterate to P. Hughes, their current contractor, that there is to be no access to the site before 8.30am and all construction traffic to always drive safely and considerately and not to block driveways.
- If anyone witnesses any issues with construction traffic e.g., gaining access early, blocking driveways, driving unsafely etc., this is to be reported immediately, (ideally with a picture, vehicle registration number and company name on vehicle), to their relevant Parish Council.
- Avant Homes to ask P. Hughes to keep a record of lorries arriving on site, so that lorries arriving early can be established and any repeat offenders identified.
- Avant Homes to ask for road cleaning to be undertaken as late in the day as possible.
- Avant Homes to look at sound proofing options for the pump next to the pond at the Barlow Drive North end of the site